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The foundation of the civilian explosives production facility, which will be implemented by Nitrovan Explosives Industry and Trade Inc. with a total investment of 1 billion 525 million liras in Bitlis, was laid by the President of the Republic of Turkey, Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, and his accompanying delegation on August 25, 2024. Chairman of the Board of Directors of Nitro Technical Explosives Industry and Trade Inc. and Nitrovan Explosives Industry and Trade Inc., Mr. İbrahim Halil Toprak, published the following message of gratitude for the participation of our President and other state officials in the groundbreaking ceremony.

As local and national companies of our country, together with the investments we have made both domestically and abroad, we laid the foundation of the explosives production facility to be built in the Adilcevaz district of Bitlis province with a total investment of 1 billion 525 million liras.

The first stage of our Nitrovan Explosives Factory, which has been started to be built on an area of 220 thousand square meters, is an explosives storage facility and its investment cost is 400,000,000 TL. The second stage is an ANFO, emulsion and capsule production facility and its investment cost is 580,000,000 TL. In the third stage, a light ammunition production facility that will support our defense industry with bullets and cartridges of various sizes will be put into operation. The final investment cost is 545,000,000 TL.

The construction of the first stage underground explosives storage and the second stage dynamite, ANFO, emulsion and capsule production facility has been started. Hopefully, the construction will be completed next year and we will hold our opening on the anniversary of our August 26th Malazgirt victory, again with the presence and approval of our President.

I hope that this defense industry investment, the foundation of which we have laid, will be beneficial to our city and country. I would like to thank the President of the Republic of Turkey Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, our Vice President Mr. Cevdet Yılmaz, our Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Mr. Abdulkadir Uraloğlu, our Minister of Treasury and Finance Mr. Mehmet Şimşek, our Minister of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change Mr. Murat Kurum, our Minister of Industry and Technology Mr. Mehmet Fatih Kacır, our Minister of National Defense Mr. Yaşar Güler, our Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Mr. Alparslan Bayraktar, AK Party Deputy Chairman Mr. Efkan Ala, Grand Unity Party Chairman Mr. Mustafa Destici, Deputy Minister of Interior Mr. Mehmet Aktaş and other deputy ministers, Presidency of Defense Industries Ammunition Department Head Mr. We would like to thank Ender Uğur, Bitlis Governor Mr. Erol Karaömeroğlu, Adilcevaz District Governor Mr. Nurhalil Özçelik, Adilcevaz Mayor Mr. Abdullah Akbaba, Gendarmerie Regiment Commander Mr. İbrahim Güven, Provincial Police Chief Mr. Ortaç Şekeroğlu and our people who attended the ceremony.

We will always continue to invest and produce as Nitrovan Explosives Inc. He said.


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