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“We have taken many historic steps in the past 21 years in the fields of union rights and freedoms”

“We have taken many historic steps in the past 21 years in the fields of union rights and freedoms”

“We have taken many historic steps in the past 21 years in the fields of union rights and freedoms”


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“We have taken many historic steps in the past 21 years in the fields of union rights and freedoms”
Addressing the 13th Meeting of Labor Assembly, held under the theme of ‘The Future of Labor, Union Organizing and Employment’, President Erdoğan said: “We have taken many historic steps in the past 21 years in the fields of union rights and freedoms besides wages and employment.”





President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan made a speech at the 13th Meeting of Labor Assembly, held under the theme of ‘The Future of Labor, Union Organizing and Employment,’ at the Exhibition Hall of the Presidential Complex.

Highlighting the steps taken with an inclusive approach in the past 21 years to increase the welfare of workers, employers, civil servants, merchants and farmers, President Erdoğan stated: “In consultation with you, we have put into force regulations regarding labor law, social security reform, occupational health and safety, and union law. We have introduced historic hikes in minimum wage through maximum consensus between employees and employers. We have raised net minimum wage to TL17,002 in 2024, up 49 per cent from July and 100 per cent from January.”






Noting that the minimum wage support, initiated in 2016, has been increased to TL700 per insured person as of July 2024, President Erdoğan said: “With the abolishment of taxes on the minimum wage, we have introduced tax exemption for earnings up to the minimum wage in all income groups. Our country experiences all-time high in employment in its history. Our employment figures have reached 32,423 million.”






“We have taken many historic steps in the past 21 years in the fields of union rights and freedoms besides wages and employment,” stressed President Erdoğan, adding: “With the Law on Unions and Collective Bargaining, we have had the opportunity to amend after 29 years the law the putschists enacted in 1983. Having taken civil servants’ right to collective bargaining under constitutional protection, we have granted our civil servants the right to collective bargaining. We have concluded the collective bargaining processes of workers and civil servants mostly through consensus. The number of union-member workers have increased from 1 million in 2013 to 2.5 million currently. We have also instituted the payment of collective bargaining bonus to union-member civil servants once every three months.”

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