The American University of Europe on the G20…

The American University of Europe on the G20… Empowering people towards new frontiers while safeguarding the planet; A Proactive stance of the American University of Europe at the verge of the G20-2022 Summit.
The American University of Europe on the G20…
Yayın: 02 Kasım 2021 Bugün, Gündem Google News

The American University of Europe on the G20…

Empowering people towards new frontiers while safeguarding the planet;
A Proactive stance of the American University of Europe at the verge of the G20-2022 Summit.

The year 2022, is definitely on the Economic and Educational levels the year of global hangover…
The aftermath of the pandemic and the leftovers of COVID, variants still hovering and threatening have pushed millions from extreme poverty to deprivation. Many needs and challenges need to be directly acknowledged and addressed! Institutional Mission Statements and strategies revealed their emptiness and hollow nature.

This year the G20 summit will focus on three aims:
• Empowering People by creating the conditions in which all people especially women and youth can live, work and thrive

• Safeguarding the Planet: by fostering collective efforts to protect our global commons
• Shaping New Frontiers: by adopting long-term and bold strategies to share benefits of innovation and technological advancement

The United Nations anticipates that more than 235 million people require humanitarian assistance and protection – which is a 40 percent increase over 2020 – and 80 million people have been forcibly displaced – the highest on record – Who will lead is not the issue, everybody must act!
The world is too different today. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life. And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe… (J. F. Kennedy)

As such, we witness today the same opportunities, and threats, dark, stark, or whatsoever… What has to be fought and the deadliest peril is passivism. Where to focus, what discipline, who will act, when, and why are legitimate tactics today, but every strategic move has to stem from a diverse multidisciplinary and multiple intelligence rationale.

Today, The American University of Europe, with its Board of Trustees exemplifies a commitment to those worldwide challenges by investing in developing globally many local communities it serves. We are truly and not by simple slogans and lip services making internationalization at home. Trust and believe me that this University is extraordinary. Its Board’s sense of purpose, the time, energy, and focus that I saw them displaying and spending makes them a real special group of leaders, committed to the ideals of higher education and the mission of the University.

The American University of Europe is not an important instrument of transformation for our city, Istanbul or country, and region but clearly the ultimate. Let it be understood that the nature of an urban global university, anxious to advance and to help develop communities for the service of Sustainable Global Goals and Agendas dictates partnerships and connectivities.

The American University of Europe today is inaugurating its state-of-the-art continuous education regional office in Istanbul Turkey, a student-centered space to promote a total learning experience. This important milestone in our continuous effort to nurture and empower learners will resonate in its impact. This custom-designed office will not only serve as a hub for learners advising, collaborative learning and knowledge exchange but also as a platform to inspire creative ideas as well as showcase the University’s latest curricula, innovations, and technologies.”

This ultra-modern Educational Concept is not an exception to our mission. Its sophisticated and total learning experience platform will engage its prospective learners and academics. This is a focal facility worthy of a world-class university.

Whether at the center of the City’s open area surrounded by a panoramic display or using a cyber-physical interactive platform, we aim to make our learners’ experience enjoyable and healthy for productivity’s sake. At the heart of the Turkish capital where the bridge between relevant industries and the university’s schools is as important as the bridges that connect Europe with Asia.

Açıklama yok.

The American University of Europe has firmly put in place the physical, external/industrial, and advisory infrastructure that support our commitment to a total learning experience. Proactively we will rely on our multidisciplinary and theme-based approach in research to find innovative solutions to tackle global challenges. Committed to leading education, AUE provides a holistic and total-learning experience to learners and nurtures them with 21st-century skills to inspire and innovate.

Son Güncelleme: 02 Kasım 2021