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Press Release Regarding the Earthquake in Afghanistan

Press Release Regarding the Earthquake in Afghanistan




No: 203, 22 June 2022, Press Release Regarding the Earthquake in Afghanistan

We have received the news with deep sorrow that a powerful earthquake of 6.1 magnitude which occurred in the eastern part of Afghanistan, claimed many lives, left several others injured, and caused heavy damage to the property, particularly in Paktika province.

Turkish Red Crescent, which has been operating in Afghanistan, has dispatched humanitarian aid for the earthquake victims in the region.

Türkiye, as always, stands ready to provide every kind of assistance to the brotherly Afghan people who have been affected by the earthquake.

We wish Allah’s mercy upon those who lost their lives and extend our sincere condolences to their bereaved families, as well as to the brotherly people of Afghanistan, and wish a speedy recovery to the injured.





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