Press Release Regarding Greek Cypriot Administration’s (GCA) inclusion in the State Partnership Program of the U.S. Department of Defense

 Press Release Regarding Greek Cypriot Administration’s (GCA) inclusion in the State Partnership Program of the U.
Press Release Regarding Greek Cypriot Administration’s (GCA) inclusion in the State Partnership Program of the U.S. Department of Defense
Yayın: 04 Ekim 2022 Bugün, Gündem Google News




No: 305, 3 October 2022, Press Release Regarding Greek Cypriot Administration’s (GCA) inclusion in the State Partnership Program of the U.S. Department of Defense

We strongly condemn the GCA’s inclusion in the National Guard Bureau’s State Partnership Program, under the scope of the U.S. Department of Defense.

We support the statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the TRNC regarding the issue.

From our point of view, the latest move of the U.S., two weeks after lifting the arms embargo on GCA, has no justification.

With this move, going beyond disrupting the balance between the two sides on the Island, the U.S. has evidently become partial.

With such moves, the U.S. is losing its opportunity to play a constructive role for a fair, permanent and sustainable settlement of the Cyprus issue.

As a guarantor State, Türkiye will continue to take all necessary steps to ensure the security of Turkish Cypriot people.




Son Güncelleme: 04 Ekim 2022