A group of journalists from the United States visited Ganja

A group of journalists from the United States visited Ganja

   #Amerikalı jurnalistlər Gəncəni ziyarət ediblər📌 https://t.co/vQ2mMkgemP A group of journalists from the United States visited #Ganja📌 https://t.co/CRfEwG550M Aмериканские журналисты побывали в #...

A group of journalists from the United States visited Aghdam

A group of journalists from the United States visited Aghdam

   Bir qrup amerikalı jurnalist və media eksperti Ağdama səfər edib📌https://t.co/DwzzeWqICzA group of journalists from the United States visited Aghdam📌https://t.co/SEUuRYFAqtГруппа американских жур...