Azerbaijani House was opened in Toronto, a meeting was held with the #Azerbaijani community 📌 https://t.co/nbdWWwSNvQ pic.twitter.com/eZZlX3uPiS — Azerbaijani Diaspora (@DiasporaAz) April 5, 2023 ...
Azerbaijani House was opened in Toronto, a meeting was held with the #Azerbaijani community 📌 https://t.co/nbdWWwSNvQ pic.twitter.com/eZZlX3uPiS — Azerbaijani Diaspora (@DiasporaAz) April 5, 2023 ...
Meeting of the Ambassador of the Republic of Tajikistan to Malaysia with the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Parliament of Malaysia https://t.co/XicCxdHopk pic.twitter.com/EUJH4ugh4Y...