Tajikistan and Italy signed an Agreement on the Exemption of Visa Requirements for Holders of Diplomatic Passports

Tajikistan and Italy signed an Agreement on the Exemption of Visa Requirements for Holders of Diplomatic Passports

Tajikistan and Italy signed an Agreement on the Exemption of Visa Requirements for Holders of Diplomatic Passports .2024.jpg  Tajikistan and Italy signed an Agreement on the Exemption of Visa Requir...

An awareness campaigns regarding Armenian mine terror were organized in London and Manchester

An awareness campaigns regarding Armenian mine terror were organized in London and Manchester

 #London və Mançesterdə Ermənistanın mina terroru ilə bağlı məlumatlandırma aksiyası təşkil edilib📌https://t.co/8MsAioD5K3 An awareness campaigns regarding #Armenian mine terror were organized in Lo...

An event dedicated to the water diplomacy of Tajikistan at the Institute for Strategic Thinking.

An event dedicated to the water diplomacy of Tajikistan at the Institute for Strategic Thinking.

 An event dedicated to the water diplomacy of Tajikistan at the Institute for Strategic Thinking.https://t.co/4Tw9S3ZB4Y pic.twitter.com/gcJ0nZ0Hs2 — MFA Tajikistan (@MOFA_Tajikistan) May 12, 2023...

Celebration of the International Navruz at UNESCO

Celebration of the International Navruz at UNESCO

   Celebration of the International Navruz at UNESCO | Ministry of foreign affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan https://t.co/GqFN2M4Rlo pic.twitter.com/boCmpACtBF — MFA Tajikistan (@MOFA_Tajikistan...

An official joint event of the representatives of Tajikistan and the Netherlands in the Republic of Korea on occasion of the UN Water Conference

An official joint event of the representatives of Tajikistan and the Netherlands in the Republic of Korea on occasion of the UN Water Conference

   An official joint event of the representatives of Tajikistan and the Netherlands in the Republic of Korea on occasion of the UN Water Conference https://t.co/N7qyXZ6yVI pic.twitter.com/mqd09K8dQJ...